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CWC Recruitment for 153 AE, Junior Technical Assistant & Others Vacancy @ www.cewacor.nic.in:- Central Warehousing Corporation Recruitment 2023 for 153 multiple posts is released by CWC Officials on 26.08.2023. Category Wise and Post Wise openings are mentioned in the advertisement. So, the candidates who are waiting for the CWC Junior Technical Assistant Recruitment 2023 must check the eligibility criteria once and then register for the posts as per the candidate’s qualifications. The candidates even apply for multiple posts if they have the qualifications as per the Advertisement. Without having an idea of the posts and qualifications, no one is allowed to apply for Central Warehousing Corporation Recruitment 2023.

From 26.08.2023 to 24.09.2023, the Central Warehousing Corporation Junior Technical Assistant Application will be accepted from the candidates. Only online applications will be accepted from the candidates and the registration process will be made as per the specified format mentioned below. After reviewing the applications the officials will issue the hall tickets as a part of the selection round. Those who clear all the selection rounds will be issued the offer letter. And salary will be offered as mentioned below.

Central Warehousing Corporation Recruitment 2023 Information

Name Of The Commission Central Warehousing Corporation
Post Names AE (Civil, Electrical), Accountant, Junior Technical Assistant, Superintendent (General)
Number Of Posts 153
Category CWC Recruitment
Initial Date of Online Registration 26th August 2023
Final Date of Online Registration 24th September 2023
Job Location Across India
Qualification Engineering, Graduation, CA, Post Graduation
Registration Method Online
Official Portal www.cewacor.nic.in

Central Warehousing Corporation Recruitment

CWC Junior Technical Assistant Notification 2023

The details from the advertisemnt are mentioned below. So, all must follow it and apply if they are eligible for CWC Junior Technical Assistant Notification 2023. One must pay the Application and Intimation fee to confirm their application for the CWC Junior Technical Assistant Recruitment 2023. If any applicant did any wrong in the application filling, their application will be rejected. So, we request all to check the details clearly and fill out the Central Warehousing Corporation Recruitment 2023. Or else the candidates miss the opportunity to participate in the selection rounds.

In future, the vacancies may be decreased or increased. But, as per the category-wise CWC Junior Technical Assistant Vacancy will be recruited within the selection rounds. There will be no extension for the opportunity other than 24.09.2023. If any Recruitmentindia will let the candidates know via this page. So, follow our page to know the updates and apply according to the Central Warehousing Corporation Recruitment 2023. All must use this opportunity as its a Central Government job and salaries offered is very high.

CWC JTA Vacancy Details

Serial Number Posts Openings in Number
1 Assistant Engineer (Civil) 18
2 Assistant Engineer (Electrical) 05
3 Accountant 24
4 Superintendent (General) 11
5 Junior Technical Assistant 81
6 Junior Technical Assistant- SRD (UT
of Ladakh)
7 Junior Technical Assistant- SRD (NE) 10
8 Superintendent (General)- SRD (NE) 2

Eligibility Criteria

Educational Qualifications

Applicants who are applying for the CWC Junior Technical Assistant Recruitment 2023 must have the Post-Wise qualifications from a recognized Organization.

  1. Assistant Engineer (Civil/ Electrical): Degree in Civil/ Electrical Engineering
  2. Accountant: B.Com/ BA (Commerce)/ Chartered Accountant or Costs and Works Accountants or SAS Accountants of the Indian Audit and Accounts Department with about three years of experience in Maintaining and auditing Accounts in Industrial / Commercial /Departmental Undertakings.
  3. Superintendent (General): Post Graduate Degree in any discipline
  4. Junior Technical Assistant: Degree in Agriculture or a degree in Zoology, Chemistry or Bio-Chemistry
    As one of the subjects

Age Limit

Candidates must have the following post-wise age limits to apply for the Central Warehousing Corporation Junior Technical Assistant Recruitment 2023.

  • Assistant Engineer (Civil/ Electrical), AccountantSuperintendent (General): 30 Years (i.e. candidates
    should not have been born earlier than 25.09.1993 and later than 24.09.2005; both days inclusive)
  • Junior Technical Assistant: 28 Years (i.e. candidates should not have been born earlier than 25.09.1995
    and later than 24.09.2005; both days inclusive)
  • Age Relaxation: Check the advertisement

Pay Scale

From the Central Warehousing Corporation Recruitment Notification 2023, it’s confirmed that the salary offered for the shortlisted candidate’s post is as mentioned below.

  • Assistant Engineer (Civil/ Electrical), AccountantSuperintendent (General): Rs.40,000/- to Rs.1,40,000/- (E-1)
  • Junior Technical Assistant: Rs.29,000/- to Rs.93,000/- (S-V)

Selection Process

The selection rounds for the filling of 153 Central Warehousing Corporation Junior Engineer Vacancies will contain the Written Test and Interview/ Document Verification.

  • Written Test
  • Interview/ Document verification

Application & Intimation Fee

The candidates have to pay the Application Fee and Intimation Fee if they want to register their names for www.cewacor.nic.in Junior Technical Assistant Recruitment Notification 2023 to know the Fee particulars.

Serial Number Category Application Fee Intimation Charges Total
1 Male candidates belonging to Unreserved (UR)/ EWS and OBC
Rs.850/- Rs.400/- Rs.1250/-
2 SC, ST, PWD, Ex-Serviceman and
Women candidates
Rs.400/- Rs.400/-

How to Apply for the Central Warehousing Corporation Recruitment 2023 @ www.cewacor.nic.in?

  • First, log in to the Central Warehousing Corporation portal at www.cewacor.nic.in
  • Go to Careers@CWC.
  • Open the (2023CO11) Advertisement No CWC/1-Manpower/DR/Rectt/2023/01 and check the information.
  • Then the candidates will know whether they are eligible for the Central Warehousing Corporation Recruitment Notification 2023 or not.
  • Next, choose “Click Here to Apply Online For Advertisement No. 2023/01”
  • If yes, then do the One-time registration.
  • After that, log in with the credentials and fill out the Central Warehousing Corporation Junior Technical Assistant Application.
  • Upload the necessary documents, pay the Fee, cross-check the details once and then submit the CWC Junior Technical Assistant Application.

Important Links

Official Central Warehousing Corporation Recruitment Notification 2023 Click Here
Central Warehousing Corporation Junior Technical Assistant Application Form Click Here