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IDBI Junior Assistant Manager Previous Papers @ www.idbibank.in:- IDBI Bank Junior Assistant Manager Previous Question Papers with Answers are essential for the candidate to know the type of questions and exam type asked in the test. Every aspirant must check IDBI Junior Assistant Manager Previous Papers as they will act as the base for the candidates who are preparing for the test. But, before that, all should check the Exam Pattern and learn, and revise the syllabus to keep updated about the topics. While answering the questions in the IDBI Junior Assistant Manager Question Papers please revise the syllabus to answer the questions. Without syllabus knowledge, no one can get better qualifying marks.

Subject-Wise IDBI Junior Assistant Manager Previous Papers are preparation only drives the candidates towards a better score. So, give priority to them and even try to have time management as no additional time will be assigned for the candidates in the test. As there is a negative marking, candidates can answer the known questions in the test. As per the Exam pattern, only the questions will be asked in the test. If the candidates have poor knowledge of the subject, they may attend the classes, learn shortcuts and then answer the questions.

IDBI Junior Assistant Manager Previous Papers Particulars

Bank Name IDBI Bank
Post Names Junior Assistant Manager
Number Of Openings 600
Category Question Papers
Selection Rounds Online Test, Interview
Qualification Graduation
Official Site www.idbibank.in

IDBI Junior Assistant Manager Previous Papers

IDBI Bank Junior Assistant Manager Previous Question Papers

IDBI Bank Junior Assistant Previous Question Ppaers will not be sure that the questions may not be asked in the coming exam. But, the confidence will be there for those who solve multiple papers. That experience drives the aspirant towards success. So, solve IDBI Junior Assistant Manager Previous Papers till the test. If the candidate fails to gain the qualifying marks, they may not be selected for the post. Both Written Test and Interview marks weightage will be selected for the posts. The applicant tries to secure the qualifying marks to be selected for the post. So, revise the important materials, and analyze the questions type asked in the previous exams.

IDBI Junior Assistant Manager Previous Papers for free of cost are updated on this page. Collect them immediately and keep on answering the wide range of questions. Those who have deeper knowledge and answer various questions can be able to answer even difficult questions. So, candidates must use all the resources along with IDBI Junior Assistant Manager Previous Papers and increase their qualifying chances.

IDBI Junior Assistant Manager Exam Pattern

Serial Number Topics Total Questions Maximum Marks Time Duration
1 Logical Reasoning, Data Analysis & Interpretation 60 60 Composite time of 2 Hours
2 English Language 40 40
3 Quantitative Aptitude 40 40
4 General/Economy/Banking
60 60
Total 200 200
  1. The IDBI Bank Junior Assistant Manager Exam Pattern is tabulated above.
  2. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate, 0.25 of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as a penalty.
  3. A total of 200 questions will be asked from each subject and each question contain 1 mark.
  4. A composite time of 2 Hours will be assigned to finish the examination.
  5. The exam is of MCQ Type where one should pick the right answer among the given four options.
  6. The personal interviews shall be of 100 marks and candidates need to score the minimum qualifying marks which shall not be less than 50% (45% for SC/ST/OBC/PWD candidates).

Disclaimer: Recruitmentindia has provided the Unofficial Subject Wise IDBI Bank Junior Assistant Manager Previous Papers with answers for the candidate’s preparation. Soon after the IDBI announcement, the official IDBI Junior Assistant Manager Questions Papers. we will upload them here.

Important Links

IDBI Junior Assistant Manager Previous Papers Download
IDBI Junior Assistant Manager Question Papers Download
IDBI Junior Assistant Manager Previous Papers Download
IDBI Junior Assistant Manager Previous Year Question Papers Download
www.idbibank.in Junior Assistant Manager Model Papers Download

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